

Bizarre Bumps!

Do you know that moment when you go shopping or to a bar in your home town and you bump into a member of your family or one of your friends?  It is a nice surprise, isn’t it!  Exaggerate that feeling a hundred times and add a ‘WOW’ moment; because that is what it is like when you meet those people on your journeys around the world.  Over…

Bicycling Through Berlin – A Guest Post by Calum

The fourth of our guest posters, brings another slice of German life.  This time…the incredible city of Berlin.  Calum, a friend and former colleague of mine, is a well-travelled Scot, who is not only possessed with a great sense of humour, but a with a love of travel that has taken him to various destinations across Europe; along with recent adventurous trips to India and Vietnam.  With the…

The Art of Travel Blogging

As a relative newbie to travel blogging, I am truly fascinated by the different styles of blogs that exists and what piques the interest of those who love to read about travel.  I am also confused at what some travel bloggers constitute of interest to the reading public.  The aim of Pulped Travel has always, and always will be, a blog aimed at inspiring people to travel as…

Ask! Don’t Go Loco…Go Local!

Anyone who has travelled to a foreign country will have found themselves in one of those situations where a stressful discussion takes place, during the heat of the day at a critical moment of the trip.  This is most likely to occur when debating which direction to take, the best place to eat or to clarify if the building you are standing in front of is actually the…