

Bizarre Bumps!

Do you know that moment when you go shopping or to a bar in your home town and you bump into a member of your family or one of your friends?  It is a nice surprise, isn’t it!  Exaggerate that feeling a hundred times and add a ‘WOW’ moment; because that is what it is like when you meet those people on your journeys around the world.  Over…

Bicycling Through Berlin – A Guest Post by Calum

The fourth of our guest posters, brings another slice of German life.  This time…the incredible city of Berlin.  Calum, a friend and former colleague of mine, is a well-travelled Scot, who is not only possessed with a great sense of humour, but a with a love of travel that has taken him to various destinations across Europe; along with recent adventurous trips to India and Vietnam.  With the…

The Art of Travel Blogging

As a relative newbie to travel blogging, I am truly fascinated by the different styles of blogs that exists and what piques the interest of those who love to read about travel.  I am also confused at what some travel bloggers constitute of interest to the reading public.  The aim of Pulped Travel has always, and always will be, a blog aimed at inspiring people to travel as…

The Feel Good Factor!

One of my favourite reasons for travelling are the positive experiences I have that essentially make me feel good.  For me, there are many great things that travel offers.  Firstly, I look forward and feel good about going on my trip…the packing, the preparation and excitement that comes with the journey to the airport and flight to the destination are something I really enjoy.  I love the journey itself, particularly…

Questions, Questions, Questions…

As I have mentioned previously on this mighty fine blog, travel provides you with a great number of learning experiences.  But, as I have journeyed around I find that travel presents me with a whole host of questions that remain unanswered.  So, below are a series of questions* I need your help with answering.  Please feel free to help me out in answering these tricky questions with the…